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Phillip Hamilton, Esq.
July 31, 2024
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Managing Partner, Hamilton Clarke, LLP
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August 7, 2024
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D. Sachs & Co.

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Current discussions: Atomic Habits and Twelve And A Half
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Welcome to Chapter 1: The Book Club! Each month we'll pick a professional development book to read together as a group. After, we’ll discuss the book here in this forum and how we might implement the ideas in our lives and businesses.
Welcome to Chapter 1: The Book Club! Each month we'll pick a professional development book to read together as a group. After, we’ll discuss the book here in this forum and how we might implement the ideas in our lives and businesses.
Welcome to Chapter 1: The Book Club! Each month we'll pick a professional development book to read together as a group. After, we’ll discuss the book here in this forum and how we might implement the ideas in our lives and businesses.
Welcome to Chapter 1: The Book Club! Each month we'll pick a professional development book to read together as a group. After, we’ll discuss the book here in this forum and how we might implement the ideas in our lives and businesses.
Welcome to Chapter 1: The Book Club! Each month we'll pick a professional development book to read together as a group. After, we’ll discuss the book here in this forum and how we might implement the ideas in our lives and businesses.
Welcome to Chapter 1: The Book Club! Each month we'll pick a professional development book to read together as a group. After, we’ll discuss the book here in this forum and how we might implement the ideas in our lives and businesses.
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